The Most Important Elected Office

Become a Precinct Delegate

Checklist to Become a Precinct Delegate

1. See the list below so you know how many PD's are needed in your precinct:

Belvidere: 2
Bloomer: 1
Bushnell: 1
Cato: 3
Crystal: 2
Day: 1
Douglass: 2
Eureka Precinct 1: 3
Eureka Precinct 2: 2
Evergreen: 3
Fairplains: 2
Ferris: 1
Home: 2
Maple Valley: 1
Montcalm Precinct 1: 2
Montcalm Precinct 2: 1
Pierson Precinct 1: 2
Pierson Precinct 2:  1
Pine: 2
Reynolds Precinct 1: 2
Reynolds Precinct 2: 2
Richland: 2
Sidney: 2
Winfield: 2
Carson City: 1
Greenville Precinct 1: 2
Greenville Precinct 2: 3
Greenville Precinct 3: 3
Greenville Precinct 4: 2
Stanton: 1 

3. File your Affidavit of Identity with your county, city or township clerk no later than 4:00 p.m, on the twelfth Tuesday prior to the August Primary. Your Affidavit of Identity must be notarized.
4. Let your party know you have filed to run. We will help you with any additional questions you have.

What is a Precinct?

The precinct is the smallest political unit in the country and all voters in a precinct vote at one location. The precinct is where elections are won and lost. It is your neighborhood. You know the people and you know what issues are most important to them.

What is a Precinct Delegate?
The role of a precinct delegate is one of the most important, yet, least understood of any elected office. It is the active precinct delegate who wins elections for either the Democratic or Republican Party. Precinct delegates are elected directly by the voters of each precinct to serve as a bridge between voters and the Democratic or Republican Party in your neighborhood and you represent your neighborhood at the Democratic or Republican meetings.

As a Precinct Delegate, you will:
What you do and your level of involvement is up to you. You may participate in County Conventions to elect delegates to state conventions.  help people get registered to vote. Take information on issues and candidates to the voters in your precinct. Identify others interested in your party and recruit new party members. Help turn out your parties vote in your neighborhood on Election Day. Keep your party leaders informed about the issues that concern voters. Or you can just be a PD and show your friends you are on the ballot!

How do Precinct Delegates get elected?
Precinct Delegates are elected in the August Primary. Only Democratic voters choose Democratic precinct delegates and Republican voters choose Republican precinct delegates.  Precinct delegate candidates file an Affidavit of Identity for ballot access. There is no longer a petition requirement for precinct delegate candidates. A precinct delegate candidate can file with the clerk of their county, city or township of residence. Your Affidavit of Identity must be notarized. Candidates for precinct delegate must file their Affidavit of Identity form with their clerk. The filing deadline for precinct delegate candidates falls on the twelfth Tuesday prior to the August primary. A precinct can now be elected with just one vote. Before – three votes were needed.

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Greenville, 48838, MI, US

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Montcalm County Democrats