Michigan Voter Information
Get Registered and Learn Where and How to Vote
Do I need an ID?
You will be asked to show ID when you check in to vote. If you don’t have one, you can still vote. If this happens, expect a poll worker to ask you to sign a form before you vote that explains you didn’t have an ID. Your ballot will be included with all others and counted on Election Day.
Republicans for Whitmer
Gretchen Whitmer for Governor announced the launch of Republicans for Whitmer, a group consisting of more than 150 Republicans from across the state who are supporting Governor Whitmer’s re-election campaign thanks to her work bringing people together to put Michigan first.
The group is led by a leadership council of more than 35 prominent Republican Michiganders, including business leaders, former lawmakers, and top staff serving under Governors Engler and Snyder.
MDP Voting Hotline
On the Hotline we guide voters about voting laws and deadlines, we help them determine what steps they will need to take to cast their vote on election day or during the absentee voting period when they can request to vote by mail.
Write-In Precinct Delegates!
A Quick FAQ:
We are always looking for Democrats interested in becoming precinct delegates. It's an important job and an easy way to get people fired up to vote for Dems!
Q: What is a Precinct Delegate?
A: The representative of your neighborhood Dems.
Q: Do I have to attend meetings?
A: NO!
Q: Do I have to attend a convention?
A: NO!
Q: Does it cost money?
A: NO!
Q: Do I need to fill anything out?
A: Yes, the Montcalm County Clerk with have an application for you.
Q: What is my commitment?
A: The term lasts two years. Everything beyond that is up to you. There are no required meetings or costs or hidden filings. We just want you to add your voice to the process!
Q: Are you sure there are no meetings?
A: You can go to zero meetings or 100 meetings, it's up to you!
Q: Sounds good. How do I do this?
A: Fill out an affidavit with the County Clerk in Stanton.
Email the Montcalm Dems if you have any other questions!
[email protected]
Join the Montcalm County Democratic Party
Becoming a member of the Montcalm County Democratic Party is easy! Simply join the Michigan Democratic Party - or renew your existing membership - to ensure you are in good standing and with voting rights at our monthly meetings. *Renewing members will find that option toward the bottom of the page.