New Meeting Location AND NEW TIME

Now that we're in an off cycle we've moved to a new location for our monthly meetings. We also moved the meeting time to give more people the opportunity to attend after work.

Monthy Meetings

Third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.

St. Paul's Parish Hall 305 Clay Street
Greenville, MI

There is still a remote option via Google Meet. Sign up for email notices and the Google Meet link to attend.

Sign Up for Meeting Link



We have updated our information on precinct delegates to make the process a little easier. Please check out our updated page and participate in the most fundamental elected office in the country!

Entries are closed for 2024, but we'll need you again in 2026!

So you are thinking of running for office...

Depending on your race, you want to visit the website for Michigan Elections and the Secretary of State - Elections to get the overview of what is required for your race. Nearly every race is different.

But there are several great outside groups that can provide advice, support, and a big boost of confidence if this is your first time running (or if you’re a repeat runner looking to learn something new):

Fems for Dems 
Run for Something
The Great Lakes Political Academy 

Each of these organizations overlap to a degree, but they also specialize in some things. The GLPA hosts candidate training and helps you get you on your feet with advice on how to cover the basics of campaigns like literature and the best way to connect with voters. Fems for Dems host amazing events that help with networking and showcasing Democrats running for many kinds of races. Run for Something is a national group that inspires and aids the next generation of leaders with mentorship, fundraising help, and many other kinds of assistance.

You also want to reach out to state democratic caucuses. They have caucuses for farmers, progressives, women, African-Americans, various communities, and many others. Those official caucuses and clubs are all on the Michigan Democratic Party Website - Caucuses 

Chances are, you’re thinking of starting small. Not all of us can rocket from obscurity to the presidency like President Obama did. Perhaps you want to sit on a local library board to advance literacy and protect access to all books. Maybe you want to be a township clerk to help with elections. Maybe you want to join a school board or a city council. For these kinds of races, it’s a great bet to start with their respective websites.

Michigan Townships Association - Running for Office
Greenville Public Schools - Board of Education
Flat River Community Library Board

The above three groups are examples, but they also have lots of information that carries over to other organizations. For example, the information on the Greenville School Board resources also apply to Carson City-Crystal or Vestaburg’s School Boards.
Lastly, be sure to contact us at the MCDP so we can assist as well!

Join the Montcalm County Democratic Party

Becoming a member of the Montcalm County Democratic Party is easy! Simply join the Michigan Democratic Party - or renew your existing membership - to ensure you are in good standing and with voting rights at our monthly meetings. *Renewing members will find that option toward the bottom of the page.

Join Here (

Contact Us

Greenville, 48838 MI, US

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Montcalm County Democrats